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CCF initiated a major capital campaign to purchase the Twine Field with the specific purpose of holding it until the town could raise the money to acquire the property. CCF's Acquisition Committee worked with the town's Land Bank/Open Space Committee and identified the Twine Field as an important open space to preserve.  The Town acquired the 7.5 property after a town meeting authorizing the purchase from CCF. The Twine Field is unique as a rare native sandplain grassland.


The Foundation spearheaded the re-introduction of town-wide Earth Day celebrations, collaborating with numerous local organizations, business and youth groups to sponsor a clean-up of Chatham roadways, nature walks, children's programming, a film screening and distribution of seedlings in honor of Arbor Day.



In 2022, the Foundation celebrated its 60th Anniversary. CCF marked its history as Cape Cod's original land trust with the opening of a new trail, the Mill Pond Overlook Trail, a significant expansion of our trail walk programming, a celebration of the anniversary at the Annual Meeting and a special evening of appreciation for volunteers and donors at the home of Jay and Christy Cashman on Strong Island.

In 2003 the Foundation made a significant donation to the Harwich Conservation Trust to purchase more than 43 acres along Muddy Creek, which forms the border between Harwich and Chatham. This parcel compliments CCF’s holdings on the Chatham side of Muddy Creek. Continued efforts to work in partnership have also included contributing to the Shellfish Aquaculture Center with DCT, assisting with the Marini purchase on the end of Muddy creek with HCT, and signing on as a collaborator for the Sipson Island protection with OCT​.


In 1967, the Foundation began conserving land using a new device, the conservation easement or conservation restriction. This allows a landowner to retain title to the land but gives control over its use to a private land steward such as the Foundation.

The Foundation now holds deeded conservation restrictions on 45 parcels of beach and wetlands totaling 211 acres. Some of the largest parcels are along the Oyster River, Sears Point and beachfronts along Shore Road.


In August 1976, the Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank gifted the Josiah Mayo House to the Foundation after purchasing the property for a new bank branch office. The antique house was moved onto a new foundation on the east side of the property at 540 Main St. The house and its collection of antique furnishings are maintained by the Foundation and are open to the public each summer and during special weekends throughout the year.


The idea of creating a nonprofit land conservation group in Chatham was conceived by Robert McNeece, then Selectman in Chatham who enlisted the aid of John Manson and retired General Lucius Clay to find a way to answer the concerns of citizens who wanted to conserve land but were hesitant about donating land to a political entity. The Chatham Conservation Foundation, Inc. received its Charter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1962, making it the first private land trust on Cape Cod. The purpose of the Foundation was to acquire open space to be held in its natural state. At the beginning there were seventeen life members and initial pledges of ten acres of land. The first gift was Fox Hill Island (Parcel #1), donated by Dorothy W. Smith. With membership currently around 700, the Foundation now protects some 224 parcels totaling more than 820 acres.

Founded in 1962

1962 Chatham Conservation Foundation Members

Presentation of Charter to Chatham Conservation Foundation Inc, by Governor John Volpe 1962.

Left to right: Hon. Hastings Keith, Congressman, Perry A. Grey, Treasurer, John T. Manson, President, Gov. Volpe, & Frank G. Love, Clerk

Photograph by Richard C. Kelsey


Trustees and Friends of CCF tell the story of the Chatham Conservation Foundation

Memories to Mission

Overview of people involved with Chatham Conservation Foundation, why they love Chatham, the importance of the Foundation and some highlighted properties.

Formation of the Foundation

The story of the original founders, and the conservation legacy they leave behind for us all.

Properties We Manage

Highlights and histories of the ecologically sensitive properties we manage and protect. 

Strong Island Started it All 

The preservation of Pleasant Bay's jewel Strong Island bringing the community and the Foundation together.

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We are proud of our history as Cape Cod's first land trust.

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