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Meet our Docent: Carol Anne Peers

Lauren Arcomano

Updated: Jan 27

CCF’s headquarters at 540 Main Street in Chatham are in the historic Mayo House, built in 1820 and restored by CCF through the help of a grant from the Town of Chatham. We offer tours through selected rooms not used as CCF office space June through December. Meet our docent Carol Anne Peers, who welcomes visitors to Mayo House:

Why should people come visit Mayo House?

It is the original house on this parcel of land and by far the oldest house on Main Street. I am delighted that CCF was committed to restoring this special building and making some of the rooms and historic artifacts available to the public!

Please describe your role at Mayo House.

I serve as an interpretive guide, introducing visitors to Mayo House and the man who built it, Josiah Mayo. I get great pleasure out of describing how Josiah Mayo did everything himself.

What is your background?

I like to say I have had “9 lives!” I have a background in art history and worked for the Met Museum of Art in New York for 16 years. Later, in Boston I wrote the content for historic tours. I then moved to Cape, where I was an interpretative guide for 19 years.

What is your favorite part about the job?

I like describing the property and placing it in the context of the history of Cape Cod. I am always learning new things about the history of this area!

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