
Photograph by Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Chatham
Photograph by Cathy Weston
Ways To Get Involved
Help CCF keep an eye on our properties. Complete on the ground property inspections, noting and reporting any stewardship concerns and wildlife observations. Perform basic property maintenance such as picking up trash or maintaining a trail where appropriate and with permission from CCF staff
Time Requirement:
Twice annually per property
This role involves interviewing and welcoming new volunteers, helping them to become familiar with the organization and its goals. Once skills and interests have been identified, connect them to committee moderators who can explain the roles that need to be filled. Works with the Executive Director and Land Steward to fill positions based on need, experience, and season.
CCF's small staff has the task of maintaining and protecting a large and complex collection of membership data, digital images and virtual communication materials on multiple platforms. We welcome contributions from tech-savvy, detail-oriented volunteers eager to support our data management and introduce efficiencies and upgrades to our computer-based processes!
CCF is the oldest land trust on Cape, and over the decades some of the property boundary markers occasionally get lost or moved. Having a volunteer to help us better understand our property boundaries would be a tremendous help. This position would be ideal for a retired surveyor.
Volunteer Inquiry Form
Are you interested in volunteering at CCF? Fill out the form below and we will get back to you!
Interested in volunteering at CCF? Please join us!
Photograph by Lauren Young